...read this. it's everything that we know, but it's everything that we keep forgetting.
When does one say, “I am successful!”
Is it when he has become the head of a country?
... graduated from a prestigious university
With the highest educational degree?
...married and have many children
To constitute a big family? Or
...become the president of a company
And enjoys the luxury of money?
Success is more than money...
More than an educational degree...
More than a prestigious job...
And more than a big family.
Success is that which the heart desires-
Having used to the fullest what god has given,
And contentment in life regardless how far one has gone,
For it is how we are measured when our life is done.
Success is having shared one’s blessings with the less fortunate
Without expecting something in return;
It is that ecstatic feeling when you someone happy
Even with just a word of advice or
Simply being beside him when he needed company.
Success is that immeasurable feeling of happiness
When at a ripe age you have no guilt to amend for,
Remorse to cry for, and indebtedness that should be settled
Before your sight is dimmed and sighed your last..
Mr. Lonely:
hello... thanks for dropping by. =) you take care also. =)
Well said!
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